nikosaliagas: À l'ombre du mûrier, Campo San Polo #venise #regardsvénitiens
CsurPhotos: urban rainbow
Jpnomen: ville
CsurPhotos: Virgule
Laurence Bouchard: Covid19: Reading between the lines
pascalcolin1: Behind the hair
Graham S Paton: close with a view
CsurPhotos: Réservoir dog's
pascalcolin1: At the terrace
pascalcolin1: On the tracks
glgarciaruiz: Puente de Segovia, Madrd
CsurPhotos: Oh c'est haut !
pascalcolin1: On the shiny steps
pascalcolin1: Carrying the bag
pascalcolin1: Between the railings
Rui Palha: Please see the video in Youtube. You will love it!
pascalcolin1: False proximity
pascalcolin1: The curve
pascalcolin1: The letters on the wall
CsurPhotos: walking
pascalcolin1: Along the black windows
glgarciaruiz: Pedestrian walkways.
koen_jacobs: hopeless
glgarciaruiz: Framed
glgarciaruiz: Diagonal
Laurence Bouchard: Covid19: And so it begins..