Rui.Roda: Tucán - Chen Wi Lin
wiphalita1: Black Rhino in black day in black friday
Mariano Zavala B: Spinosaurus - Satoshi Kamiya
J.V origami: Tortuga Marina/Sea Turtle Origami
Mariano Zavala B: Green Sea Turtle - Jang Yong Ik
Rui.Roda: Asian Elephant - Anicé Claudéon
wiphalita1: Android left my phone
oschene: Snapping Cone
georigami: Matthew Green's This is not a Star
Xiaoxian Huang: P81022-072651(1)
RyanWelsh: Caucasus Beetle by Kota Imai (wrong paper used, test fold, not prepared or shaped well) and behind it a real life species similar to it: an Atlas Beetle (only difference is a small horn that is more of a stump with an Atlas Beetle)
Mariano Zavala B: Vampire Bat - Dao Cuong Quyet
georigami: Matthew Star (front) independently discovered by me
mythic.folds: Occamy (Joe Adia)
Rui.Roda: Dinossaur 3.0 - Sandro Kahlal
wiphalita1: Reaper
Neelesh K: ORIGAMI - Lord GANESHA 🐘🙏 (Diagrams)
Neelesh K: Origami - Lord Ganesha from a Rs. 10 Note
Rui.Roda: Crocodile - Katsuhisa Yamada
Rui.Roda: Raccoon- Katsuhisa Yamada
wiphalita1: She wants to dance
wiphalita1: Snow rabbit
Rui.Roda: Gorilla - Katsuhisa Yamada
wiphalita1: The White rhino is my weakness
wiphalita1: I'm Nono the little robot
Rui.Roda: Tiger- Katsuhisa Yamada
Rui.Roda: Horse - Katsuhisa Yamada
wiphalita1: Red red elephant