maseldes: Ouachita Streambed Salamander (Eurycea subfluvicola) -Arkansas, United States
maseldes: One-toed Amphiuma (Amphiuma pholeter) -Alabama
justinllee: Carpenter Frog (Rana virgatipes)
Kevin Hutcheson: Patch-nosed Salamander
Kevin Hutcheson: Patch-nosed Salamander
Kevin Hutcheson: Rainbow Snake
Kevin Hutcheson: Southern Dusky Salamander
Kevin Hutcheson: Many-lined Salamander
maseldes: Yellow-Spotted Woodland Salamander (Plethodon pauleyi)
maseldes: Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum)
maseldes: Southern Devil Scorpion (Vaejovis carolinianus)
maseldes: Pigeon Mountain Salamander (Plethodon petraeus)
Kevin Hutcheson: Carpenter Frog
Kevin Hutcheson: Many-lined Salamander
Kevin Hutcheson: Neuse River Waterdog
Kevin Hutcheson: Dwarf Waterdog
brycewade: Plethodontids of East Tennessee
cre8foru2009: Barking Treefrog (Hyla gratiosa)
brycewade: Eurycea lucifuga | Cave Salamander
Jake M. Scott: Eurycea subfluvicola and E. multiplicata
Zach Lim: IMG_2625
Zach Lim: IMG_2637
Zach Lim: IMG_1589
Jake M. Scott: Valentine’s Southern Dusky Salamander (Desmognathus valentinei)
Lotterhand: Timber Rattlesnake
Kevin Hutcheson: Southern Grotto Salamander
Lotterhand: Dormant Wood Turtles
Lotterhand: Old School
Lotterhand: Timber Rattlesnake Combat Dance
Lotterhand: Combat Dance