brycewade: Eurycea wilderae | Blue Ridge Two-lined Salamander
brycewade: Plethodon hubrichti | Peaks of Otter Salamander
brycewade: Pseudotriton montanus | Mud Salamander
brycewade: Plethodon hoffmani | Valley and Ridge Salamander
brycewade: Plethodon hubrichti | Peaks of Otter Salamander
brycewade: Plethodon wehrlei | Wehrle's Salamander
brycewade: Plethodon aureolus | Tellico Salamander
brycewade: Plethodon shenandoah | Shenandoah Salamander
brycewade: Plethodon shenandoah | Shenandoah Salamander
brycewade: Plethodon sherando | Big Levels Salamander
brycewade: Plethodon aureolus | Tellico Salamander
brycewade: Ambystoma opacum | Marbled Salamander
brycewade: Plethodon yonahlossee | Yonahlossee Salamander
brycewade: Desmognathus lycos | Wolf Dusky Salamander
brycewade: Desmognathus carolinensis | Carolina Mountain Dusky Salamander
brycewade: Desmognathus intermedius | Central Shovel-nosed Samamander
brycewade: Plethodon cheoah | Cheoah Bald Salamander
brycewade: Terrapene carolina | Common Box Turtle
brycewade: Desmognathus aeneus | Seepage Salamander
brycewade: Plethodon aureolus | Tellico Salamander
brycewade: Plethodon aureolus | Tellico Salamander
brycewade: Thamnophis marcianus | Checkered Gartersnake
brycewade: Haldea striatula | Rough Earth Snake
brycewade: Cophosaurus texanus | Greater Earless Lizard
brycewade: Incilus nebulifer | Gulf Coast Toad
brycewade: Eurycea waterlooensis | Austin Blind Salamander
brycewade: Lithobates berlandieri | Rio Grande Leopard Frog
brycewade: Sceloporus olivaceus | Texas Spiny Lizard
brycewade: Eleutherodactylus marnockii | Cliff Chirping Frog
brycewade: Pseudemys texana | Texas Cooter