images@twiston: Sunlight breaks through
Anthony White: Poseidon's Fury
florczyki: Hawfinch on the grass / Grubodziób na trawie
florczyki: On the plum tree / Na śliwie
florczyki: White-tailed Eagle / Bielik
florczyki: Morning with a moose / Poranek z łosiem
Gladys Klip: Poolvos / arctic fox / renard arctique
Ted Holm Photography: At sunrise, golden light dances on the pond as mist swirls and geese take to flight, their wings slicing through the foggy stillness
Jabi Artaraz: Gaua da oraindik
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): evening in the Mara
Rolando CRINITI: Svasso maggiore _016
a.chiezzi: Crimson-rumped Toucanet
Objectifphotonature: SPOONBILL - SPATULE BLANCHE
JEO126: Hooded merganser hen
John David Hutchison: Northern Harrier
leoncio.hernandezrodriguez: Cigüeñuela común (Himantopus himantopus
tofbuis: DSC_9811_DxO
ricardo00: this is mine!
mirosławkról: Good bye 2024!
Eric Gofreed: Double-crested cormorant
monte stinnett: Red Breasted Merganser (drake)
Sapna Reddy Photography: Season of Serenity (Explored)
MalcedoP: Cormoran
florczyki: Call / Wołanie
Rolando CRINITI: Gruccione _076
matthiaslebong: Swinhoes Pheasant