Red in Red
King's Domain (Shrine)_White faced heron (1)
Royal Bot Gardens 7Aug24 Acacia Leprosa Scarlet Blaze Mimosaceae DSF8400 (2)
Keith Horton Photography:
Dark skies over Fitzroy Falls
Julie Mannix:
J.G. in S.F.:
Rhododendron aff. valentinianum #2
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views:
You can be sincere....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views:
The means of producing pictures in our art [photography] are as good as those of producing paintings in Raphael’s time....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views:
Photography would be better if its elements were not so easily comprehended as to make it almost a frivolous pursuit....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views:
We seldom take great pictures. You have to milk the cow a lot....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views:
Actually, I'm not all that interested in the subject of photography. Once the picture is in the box....
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views:
Neither camera, nor lens, nor film determine the quality of pictures; it is the visual perception of the man behind the mechanism which brings them to life....