Hélène Baudart: La mer se calme
robin.oakes: Fulmar soaring over the sea
Hélène Baudart: un souffle de poésie
pascalcolin1: Disorder
gagasue: Botanic Garden 2
robin.oakes: Puffin fly-by
Hélène Baudart: Nous sommes petits !
robin.oakes: Where there is water
robin.oakes: "Come on Dad, I'm starving"
robin.oakes: Looking back.
robin.oakes: Puffin 1
robin.oakes: 1st year Yellow Wagtail 4
robin.oakes: Snow Bunting 2
robin.oakes: All lit -up
robin.oakes: A Goldfinch close encounter.
robin.oakes: Couldn't resist.
robin.oakes: Taking the plunge
bernard.bonifassi: Soir de décembre.
Gaëtan jouvenez: Coenonympha gardetta 3
Gaëtan jouvenez: Agriades orbitulus 2
Gaëtan jouvenez: Chilostoma zonatum flavoriscens
robin.oakes: Quick march
robin.oakes: Yes, I do bite
robin.oakes: Ruff in late summer plumage
robin.oakes: Snow Bunting 3
robin.oakes: Snow Bunting 1
Grégoire Schneider: Balbuzard pêcheur
Grégoire Schneider: Syrphidae sp
robin.oakes: At last