toothandclaw1: Barn Owl
beverleythain: Crested Tit
cseager40: big buck
cseager40: Spear Fishing
DerekL1: Male Marbled White Butterfly (Melanargia galathea)
cseager40: Ever get the feeling you're being watched?
cseager40: Green Heron with Frog
Carol Huffman: On Jordon Pond...
Simon Théberge: Petit-duc maculé / eastern screech-owl
Maren Klemp: Emily With Owl A cute dormouse
cseager40: Huge Bullfrog
cseager40: Widow Skimmer
cseager40: Lenticular grasshopper at work
beverleythain: Blondie.
cseager40: Oops, there goes lunch!
RayW101: Red Squirrel.
davidsims881: Canary-shouldered Thorn
cseager40: End of the line
cseager40: Lurking in the shadows
beverleythain: Wee Red
beverleythain: On top of the world.
wildwalker3: Misty morning Hare
drmole26: Common brimstone
cseager40: the reluctant one
cseager40: " WHOOO are you looking at? "
toothandclaw1: Breakfast being taken back to his mate.
beverleythain: Slowworm