toothandclaw1: Mistle Thrush.
toothandclaw1: Fieldfare
toothandclaw1: Brambling
toothandclaw1: Sparrowhawk
toothandclaw1: Sparrowhawk with goldfinch.
toothandclaw1: Sparrowhawk (male)
toothandclaw1: Sparrowhawk
toothandclaw1: Barn Owl
toothandclaw1: Chiffchaff
toothandclaw1: Barn Owl
toothandclaw1: Marsh Harrier
toothandclaw1: Marsh Harrier
toothandclaw1: Roe Deer
toothandclaw1: Brown Hare
toothandclaw1: Roe Deer mating
toothandclaw1: Great White Egret
toothandclaw1: Great White Egret
toothandclaw1: Barn Owl
toothandclaw1: Grey Heron
toothandclaw1: Robin (male and female)
toothandclaw1: Meadow Pipit
toothandclaw1: Kestrel
toothandclaw1: Sparrowhawk
toothandclaw1: Redpoll
toothandclaw1: Barn Owl
toothandclaw1: Sparrowhawk
toothandclaw1: Sparrowhawk
toothandclaw1: Sparrowhawk
toothandclaw1: Barn Owl