lakeside_cat: Rose 143
K&E-mount: Summer Flowers
Lara *: *From My garden*
Steve Don: Requiem for the tulips....
Frank van Dongen: It's still a long way there
Frank van Dongen: Near sundown
Frank van Dongen: Outside the Box II
Frank van Dongen: It was on that morning...
Frank van Dongen: Forth bridge
Frank van Dongen: The voice of the Sea
Frank van Dongen: The Harbor Awaits
Frank van Dongen: Time will tell
CARLA Paterni: Enjoy the memories
CARLA Paterni: Amo i Tulipani piú di qualsiasi altro fiore di primavera
CARLA Paterni: C'è un profumo di estate nell'aria
CARLA Paterni: Una sera...di un estate fa...
CARLA Paterni: La carezza del sole che si spegne...
CARLA Paterni: Antico Mulino spagnolo.
CARLA Paterni: Si nasce liberi...
CARLA Paterni: Buon Anno Happy Year
kleiner_eisbaer_75: Breathtaking! I stood there and could only be amazed!