Harley V: Robin
Harley V: Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Harley V: Tree swallow
Harley V: Blue Jay
Harley V: Dark eyed junco
Harley V: Pileated woodpecker
Harley V: Tree swallow
Harley V: Urban Coyote
Harley V: Blackpoll warbler
Harley V: American Redstart (m)
Harley V: Cinnamon teal with blue winged teals
Harley V: White-tailed Jackrabbit- still sporting his winter coat.
Harley V: Yellow Rumped Warbler
Harley V: White crowned sparrows
Harley V: American avocet with a leech
Harley V: Least Sandpiper
Harley V: American Avocet
Harley V: Merlin (Lee Morley’s favourite bird)
Harley V: Horned Grebe
Harley V: Cutest stretch in the world
Harley V: American wigeon
Harley V: Ruby Crowned kinglet
Harley V: Lesser scaup (F)
Harley V: Lesser Scaup
Harley V: Big man on campus
Harley V: Entering a big scary world
Harley V: Horned Grebe
Harley V: Northern Flicker
Harley V: Franklin's Gull
Harley V: Eastern Phoebe