Harley V: Eastern Phoebe
Harley V: Mama Eagle
Harley V: Bald eagle
Harley V: Bald eagle
Harley V: Red Necked Grebe Pair
Harley V: Red Necked Grebe
Harley V: Lesser yellowlegs. (Explore)
Harley V: Ringed billed gull
Harley V: Mallard Duck
Harley V: Trumpeter swan
Harley V: Mallard duck
Harley V: Red Squirrel
Harley V: Trumpeter Swan
Harley V: Trumpeter swan
Harley V: Mallard and Canada geese
Harley V: Short eared owl
Harley V: Northern saw whet owl
Harley V: Red breasted nuthatch
Harley V: House sparrow
Harley V: White winged crossbill (F)
Harley V: Saw whet owl
Harley V: Long tailed weasel
Harley V: Moose
Harley V: Turn your head and cough!
Harley V: Star wars
Harley V: Nite lights and the ghost
Harley V: Northern saw whet owl
Harley V: Little bit of evening in the morning
Harley V: Common Redpoll
Harley V: Pine grosbeak (female)