BaylinerBob: "Seriously, I had no idea you guys had frat houses. Nor did I know gummies were behind all those seasonal smiles."
lauren.bentham: Hillvale Beach NEW Sim
clau.dagger: 2023 Holiday Shop & Hop
clau.dagger: Gingerbread Town
ricktryit23 Resident: The Nutcracker Curse [Part I] ×××
R18@o: Abigail
R18@o: Please put on a bonnet
BaylinerBob: "Eowyn, wake up! People are staring at us."
BaylinerBob: "Weed competition is fierce these days. Free Bucket O' Fries should give me an edge."
Audiobuff007: ©AIPhotoARTS2021-3340f598n3_004-Edit-Edit
Abyss Artful | ABYSSAL: WLS DIESELPUNK CITY: Waiting for the Trouble~
RoxxxyC: Ever since I could remember, She was all that mattered.
jaimy hancroft: DRD presents: New X'antis
clau.dagger: DRD - Xantis
Abigail Light: It's an Honor!
BaylinerBob: Needed a freshie profile pic for the New Year ;-)
sugar-coated pixels: The Day The World Stopped
sugar-coated pixels: Naughty or Nice
BaylinerBob: "I knew this damn tree was too tall but never expected this."
EmelineLaks: I Riden Så