Geof.S: Titchwell Curlew _DSC0521 Nov13
Geof.S: Slimbridge Pintail _DSC0217 Nov20
Sunrise 60: grey wagtail splashing
Sunrise 60: Magpie Inkcap
langdon10: New Camera Day
blavandmaster: Exposed to the elements
yvonnegreen84: Zoomies
yvonnegreen84: Best of Pals
Sunrise 60: The New Forest. (44 of 52)
Sunrise 60: Reds and yellows (43 of 52)
lupuskool: Ephialtes manifestator ovipositing in adder alley RSPB Pulborough Brooks
jeffcoleman372: DSC_7613
Suzi J Photography: Bearded Tit (_X1A0183)
yvonnegreen84: Amethyst Deceiver on Mossy Tree Stump
yvonnegreen84: 42/52 2024 Light in the Gloom
Sunrise 60: The Explanation (42 of 52)
Sunrise 60: Parasol fungus standing proud
Sunrise 60: Shaggy mane ink caps Inkcaps in the sun
Sunrise 60: In support
Laird JL: Eastern Wolf
edward.chitty: RED KITE
edward.chitty: _DSC9903-Enhanced-NR
Jean-Luc Foucret: Mésange nonnette (Poecile palustris - Marsh Tit )
Jean-Luc Foucret: Pinson du Nord (Fringilla montifringilla - Brambling )
davie ch: DSC_1564-Edit-Edit-Edit
davie ch: DSC_2091-Edit-Edit
davie ch: DSC_3455-Edit-Edit
Manni Aigner: Schwimmende Sterne - Swimming Stars
Peter Maurer: Löffler und Graureiher
Peter Maurer: Bekassine