vampire-carmen: Plansee - Lake Plan
vampire-carmen: Bahnhof - Railway station
vampire-carmen: Erdmännchen - Meerkats
vampire-carmen: Eisenbahnbrücke - Railway Bridge
Roi.C: "Things behind the sun"
Roi.C: I am ready
verenaredfoxgredler: natural portrait - PART II
verenaredfoxgredler: I can't resist aged editings
verenaredfoxgredler: Tizian in the bushes
verenaredfoxgredler: puppy in the grass
verenaredfoxgredler: little-lampions
verenaredfoxgredler: double-rose
verenaredfoxgredler: A big smile for my dear friends
andrea.zanaboni: Complicità...
Paul Knapper: Anyphaena accentuata
Enzo Ghignoni: cambiano le stagioni.
Back<->lash: rich blue sky patterns and cherubs -)- >
Back<->lash: afternoon woodland scene surrounded by a nice autumn color scheme ^^ the composition is the twin trees and the depth of the forest ^ - ^
Back<->lash: IMGP0585 enriched water reflection winter
Back<->lash: IMGP0618 long shadows
Back<->lash: Natures natrual camoflauge _ an illustion to the eyes , a perfect way to hide in plain sight _
Back<->lash: IMGP0688 Spring Pear blossom Flower close up ^^ these are really small flowers_ Better to view in large screen (:
Back<->lash: IMGP0711 evening Sunset sky on Lake
Back<->lash: IMGP0681 reference to first photo taken in March 2017 // in reality these flowers are no bigger than four leaf clovers _ but they grow into really big pears ;
Back<->lash: IMGP0010 something for art and not for perfection ~ / -
Back<->lash: holy cross
alberto cmos: Gruccione
emvri85: Reynisdrangar #3 ~ Vík [ Islande ~ Iceland ]