hendrickx karel: DSCF9762 Icarusblauwtje (Polyommatus icarus)
SnappyMac: Chaffinch (Fringilla Coelebs) - Female
riccardomissagia1: Iphiclides podalirius Luglio 2018
Glos Wolf: Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) - That look!
rowanseton: Tawny eagle (Aquila rapax).
Marie Brown Cottage Garden: Baltimore Oriole on Oregon Grape Berries
Anita363: Garter snake
tho.pieper: Lycosidae, Hogna schmitzi, Porto Santo Tarantel Weibchen mit Jungtieren / female Porto Santo wolf spider with spiderlings
Polyfilou: Bergeronnette grise - White Wagtail
kizbura: P1041252
lee.griffiths78: DSC05030
tony_rea_2000: Rudbeckia fulgida, (blackeyed susan) , Dorothy Clive Gardens , Willoughbridge, UK
bentolley1: 24WOL164 Female blackbird, Wolverhampton
Giann93: Cinghio Sermidiano
Henna K.: Kurki, Eurasian crane (Grus grus)
michafink: Sperber - Sparrowhawk
marcbenezech: échasse blanche .
Klaus Kluge: Kranich
hendrickx karel: DSCF4747 Buizerd (buteo buteo)
hip-hop-beats: Wild sea bird
Norbert Lefevre: Colvert mâle en vol
guysandtravel: Kekova, Turkey
Nicopope: Pavot somnifère 1 - Papaver somniferum - In Explore June 30, 2024
marcomes: Yellow wagtail
Marie Brown Cottage Garden: Baltimore Oriole on Oregon Grape Berries
BoydPhotoSpot: Zebra Longwing in Flight (1)
Marie Brown Cottage Garden: American Robin eating berries