Alain-46: Grosbec casse-noyaux - Coccothraustes coccothraustes - Hawfinch - Kernbeißer - Picogordo común - Frosone comune
Mobile Lynn: Two at once! 903_5616.jpg
Norbert Lefevre: # Explore ... 4 ... # Martin pêcheur d'Europe " femelle " ( Alcedo atthis - Common kingfisher )
Michel Idre - 10 millions de vues merci: Busard des roseaux et busard saint martin
Michel Idre - 10 millions de vues merci: Phalarope à bec étroit
PT_Photo_Steve: Takeoff inerment
belas62: Sylvia melanocephala, Μαυροτσιροβάκος, Sardinian Warbler
Mobile Lynn: Hoopoe - About to make a delivery to the nest 902_5629.jpg
Jean mi...: Garde bœuf
Jeanda.60: Ibis falcinelle_24
Mobile Lynn: Bee-eater with catch 904_1022.jpg
belas62: Upupa Epops, Τσαλαπετεινός, Common Hoopoe
Mobile Lynn: Collared Flycatcher - A first 903_0700.jpg
jf Pascal: Vautour fauve (Gyps fulvus) - Griffon Vulture
Marcel Allanic: Rousserolle effarvatte
Jihem19: Monticole de roche
Mobile Lynn: Kingfisher food pass process - About to accept 801_1537.jpg
Jihem19: Pouillot fitis
Marcel Allanic: Huppe fasciée