dwolters2: Palouse milkyway-Edit-2.jpg
RSBurnsIM: Celestial Magic
cleostan: Clermont-Ferrand (Time Slice)
Kari Siren: Beams of light
garycphoto: Long Winter Nights
Bjorn Baklien: The Cathedral
kungfuslippers: Reflected
Ryszard Domanski: Reflection (7)
www.danbos.it: Flamingos reflection
IG: @ingrid_land: Good morning Vancouver
danielhopkins.com: Juxtaposition
Ontalbenja: Aguas Azules
anov1812: Cascada
rodolforobill: Macizo del Poset_Estacion esquí de Cerler_2016
brandonzcreations: Windy City Lens Flare
Nelson Lourenço: the magic bridge
Von Nielsen: Night Lights #264
carlosromonbanogon: Across the Thames
Edwin Bull Photography: Natural Bridges
Maurits Verbiest: Bonfire
Matthew Gress: Storm Dog
spina_di_pesce81 (il Signor Hood): Continua il tuo mistero