vykacoy000: my art You are happy and life is wonderful
Flowscine: by rejecting our fellow human beings we do not grow. we achieve nothing at all. we puzzle all day about how things work and claim to have understood the origin of the universe - and yet we still have no idea that we should face life with humility
koen_jacobs: Crossings
Faye Nightshade: m e m o r y
Diney Pau: Gaia
Lally O'Leary: Love Potion Number 9
xdhandara: Dhandara
SanderSunborne Resident: She dances like the wildest wind.
Dante Reddington: Decompress
Dante Reddington: Native to a Foreign Place
blurredlife7: Tangled
blurredlife7: Shandie Claus1
ℜØSE Siabonne: ♫« Annie aime les sucettes/Les sucettes à l'anis »♫♫
robyn35 smith: If I say
robyn35 smith: Healing
robyn35 smith: Fade into darkness
robyn35 smith: It was all yellow 💛
robyn35 smith: Paradise
Alsatian Kidd: Eminence Front (2) - Dukedom
beyondblue197: sweet as you are