Notkalvin: Some kind of bird
Kathy~: flower
New Expressions by the Old Christine: "Life does not owe you anything because life has already given you everything" ~ Ralph Marston
Richard Thompson: Swept Shores: Lake Michigan
New Expressions by the Old Christine: "Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness" ~ Zhuangzi
New Expressions by the Old Christine: The snow is calling....
New Expressions by the Old Christine: "...the wet brush of snowflakes was like your kisses everywhere..." ~John Geddes
New Expressions by the Old Christine: A sampling of my day in an extended stay room :)
FrogLuv: Benched Participants
Marion Brite: Morning at the Gas Station
Martin J. Hogan: unnamed drop on the river
New Expressions by the Old Christine: "Peace is always beautiful" ~Walt Whitman
Notkalvin: Even a cloudy day
New Expressions by the Old Christine: "Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are" ~Chinese Proverb
Hilarywho: forty-four
Martin J. Hogan: drink light
Randy B 71: Mist of the falls
Lou Peeples: Up river...
Lou Peeples: Belle Isle View
.brianday: right as rain
Notkalvin: Frozen soap bubble
Notkalvin: Night lights
sharona 315 사론아: 279/365 ~ Life After
Notkalvin: Icy rage