sharona 315 사론아: There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception. Aldous Huxley
sharona 315 사론아: Tower Bridge
sharona 315 사론아: Royal Albert Hall
sharona 315 사론아: The Changing of the Guards
sharona 315 사론아: Come Together ~ HFF
sharona 315 사론아: Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall
sharona 315 사론아: Blood Swept Lands
sharona 315 사론아: Basket & a Bike
sharona 315 사론아: Tree of Life ~ Bath, England
sharona 315 사론아: Magical Bath
sharona 315 사론아: Galaxy Stonehenge
sharona 315 사론아: HFF ~ Fort William
sharona 315 사론아: The beauty in the stillness
sharona 315 사론아: Hmmmm...Which Scotch to choose?
sharona 315 사론아: Edinburgh Castle
sharona 315 사론아: Old Town ~ Edinburg
sharona 315 사론아: Edinburgh - Nightlife
sharona 315 사론아: The Road to the Fairy Pools
sharona 315 사론아: Wrong side of the road?
sharona 315 사론아: A Moment in Time
sharona 315 사론아: Standing pretty
sharona 315 사론아: The colors of Scotland
sharona 315 사론아: Isle of Skye
sharona 315 사론아: Graveyard shift
sharona 315 사론아: Hello from Joe & I - Hyde Park, London
sharona 315 사론아: Ponte Vechhio at Night
sharona 315 사론아: 365/365 ~ ‘I seem to have fallen through time.’ Outlander
sharona 315 사론아: 364/365 ~ A voice is such a deep, personal reflection of character. Daniel Day-Lewis
sharona 315 사론아: 363/365 ~ “Have a look around, my pretty, we are surrounded by Death in all forms – just the two of us are still alive –” ― Simona Panova, Nightmarish Sacrifice