Mr B Eyes open: #Sunset Encaged at times I may feel, yet these are lessons for me to heal. Seeing what is & accepting what is, to sense yr light from so far away from where I feel. Acceptance & humility is a saint that always waits, offering the insight to see yr light
Mr B Eyes open: #Sunset Encaged at times I may feel, yet these are lessons for me to heal. Seeing what is & accepting what is, to sense yr light from so far away from where I feel. Acceptance & humility is a saint that always waits, offering the insight to see yr light
mcalpine_alice: Old town Phuket
mcalpine_alice: Old town Phuket
evakongshavn: Omnom and yummy
evakongshavn: My front face
alainroyparis: DSC_0245 , Place de La République , Paris ,3ème
funtor: night on the river
Jasrmcf: Sony a7 50mm
Christie : Colour & Light Collection: Enamored by Steveston Fishing Village
Keith Fannon Thanks for + 40 Millions Views: The sun disappeared and the mist fell
soyokazeojisan: 20171103 Holiday morning
evakongshavn: A grey day became quite white.
Mr B Eyes open: #Sunrise Love yr being, yr person, yr amazing light within. Then love yr life yr family, friends & all around you. Be conscious that you first draw from the well to nourish & give to yourself. Then there will be more than enough to nourish others.
Keith Fannon Thanks for + 40 Millions Views: Home is just around the bend
Keith Fannon Thanks for + 40 Millions Views: The pale winter light on a grey January morning
Keith Fannon Thanks for + 40 Millions Views: Reflections from the Blue Hour
Mr B Eyes open: Walking in the moment distracted, fractured in time. Constantly being pulled & pushed from the now. Look up look around & sense the beauty & light all around. It’s not so much in the phone yet it’s within you it’s all around you. Yr light & love
Mr B Eyes open: Sunday, a wish for all, a day to say. To sit, to walk & talk. Be with yr light & yr family who see you as yr true light. Sense & feel the love. From yr inner emotion as this is the connection, we sense before we commence on the mind patterns of thought.
evakongshavn: Stairway to Heaven, or do you take another way?
jheitor2012: pintassilgo
Gio guarda le stelle: Tra giorno e notte
nakhon25: IMG_1953