koen_jacobs: Crossings
Henri DUBUC: Mathilda 2
honker100: "CAPITALS UNITED EXPRESS" (London-Cardiff),...70013 "Oliver Cromwell".
EFD-fotolab: 204/2024 - Cetia ruiseñor, también conocido como Ruiseñor bastardo, (Cettia cetti).
JEO126: Palm warbler
Sultan Sultani: Egret is Hunting
koen_jacobs: Crossings
JEO126: Yellow-rumped warbler
EFD-fotolab: 190/2024 - Caimán americano, (Alligator mississippiensis)
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Barn Owl (URN: 2662)
koen_jacobs: Crossings
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Common Buzzard (URN: 2683)
What's Around: Ijsvogel.
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Yellowhammer (URN: 2692)
honker100: "A SHADY BOWER",.................VA.
theory14: 20240929-IMG_1526-Edit
koen_jacobs: Crossings
R.O. - Performance: Braunbär / Brown Bear
koen_jacobs: Crossings
Alex Födor: Pictures of the end of summer 2...
pstenzel71: Bluebeard
honker100: "WHITE TAILS TO THE FORE"!!,.......................White- tailed Deer,...............VA.
James Gregory Wildlife Photography: Osprey dragging a huge fish out and over the water by its tail. In Aviemore Scotland .
koen_jacobs: Crossings
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Red Kite (URN: 2530)
Enrica F: Biarritz
julianmunillario2: IMG_9674 Explore! May 25, 2024
JEO126: Ruddy turnstone