Darren White Photography: Eleven Mile Nights
Travis Rhoads: The Depths [EXPLORED #4]
JBPTrains2012: A Duck with a curled feather in the tail
María Fernández Photo: Wind on the sea
K.H.Reichert [ ... ]: wann wird's mal wieder richtig Sommer
María Fernández Photo: 100% Full Moon
nldazuu.com: Hot 'n Cold @Henschotermeer
John Andersen (JPAndersen images): The Amazing Wedge Pond
Peter Stahl Photography: Rough-legged Hawk
pvarney3: Big Creek - Great Smoky Mountains NP, North Carolina
desomnis: Mandatory Autumn Photo (explore)
T0nyJ0yce: Sweet Dreams Are made of This
Anto Camacho: Valencia (Explore #1)