sue.bragg: saying hi
Norbert Wegner: dragonfly
sue.bragg: swan and her new cygnets
Klaas de Jong: Rietzanger - Sedge Warbler
Norbert Wegner: springboks - south africa
Manuel Pineda M.: Agateador europeo-Raspinell comú (Certhia brachydactyla)
hanke_silke: Fliegender Reiher
Klaas de Jong: Dodaar - Little grebe
hanke_silke: Fußpflege
Klaas de Jong: Blauwborst - Bluetroat....
Norbert Wegner: European Siskin
susie2778: Great tit and blossom
Klaas de Jong: Wulp - Curlew
sue.bragg: black headed gull
Mats Bergström: Red kite (Milvus milvus)
hanke_silke: Catching fish
pablogonzalez32: Pássaros bird
pablogonzalez32: Pássaros bird
pablogonzalez32: Pássaros bird
hanke_silke: Northern Mockingbird
hanke_silke: 002751
hanke_silke: 055141
Bine&Minka2007: P1480169-Füchschen
hanke_silke: Looking for food
hanke_silke: Reiherportrait
_FazePhive_: Chaffinch
ragwiazda: 20171125_0839_004
erdipurdi: tx-lr-P9240241