homesickATLien: Innerspeaker
homesickATLien: At such times he felt a part of himself go outward into the failing light, among the wind and the snow and the featureless sky where he was whirled blindly through the world.
homesickATLien: I just don’t trust the sun to rise
homesickATLien: Surfing is sensual. It’s a real-time engagement with the forces of nature which happens to be echoes of the past (which after all, is all a wave really is). Briefly we defy gravity and ride the energy of storms from elsewhere.
homesickATLien: Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting.
homesickATLien: Time surrounds me like an ocean. My memories like waves. Is life just dying in slow motion. Or getting stronger everyday?
homesickATLien: Then I saw the time (saw the time). Watched it speedin' by like a train
homesickATLien: In between the dark and the light
homesickATLien: I am up in the clouds. I am up in the clouds. And I can't, and I can't come down
homesickATLien: And whenever I fall at your feet. Let your tears rain down on me. Whenever I touch your slow turning pain. Let the tides wash over me
homesickATLien: Because we separate. Like ripples on a blank shore
homesickATLien: Daydream
homesickATLien: Runnin’ from the heart of darkness. Searching for the heart of light
homesickATLien: I was always attracted not by some quantifiable, external beauty, but by something deep down, something absolute. Just as some people have a secret love for rainstorms, earthquakes, or blackouts. I liked the certain undefinable something.
homesickATLien: The sun goes down alone