welchome.stef: Mésange
Karen Tillett Photography: Blue Tit 2nd June 2018
 P-A: Oisillon de goéland marin ...
Willper Edward: Durban City Hall
-yury-: Lion
primeparry: Macro Mondays - Motion Blur
Ellie Skye: Spining Dice
TouTouke: Dice
strjustin: Double Exposure Macro Dice
IrenaS: Water Spirits
Carlos Pinho Photography: Double exposure PAris & NYC
daveelmore: Ferris Wheel Double Exposure
Nicola Abraham: Double Exposure: lake vs. sky
misi212: Double Exposure , Lotus Flower
Smartti1970: Martti RICOH-1014176
@CarShowShooter: African Grey Parrot, National Aviary (Pittsburgh, PA)
@CarShowShooter: Brown Pelican, National Aviary (Pittsburgh, PA)
Anthony de Schoolmeester: Where's that Fox
John Kocijanski: 10 Years Gone
Keele_Photography: Galaxy Road
phill_fisher: Rings of fire
jksphoto1: M40 Session
OwlPurist: Western Screech Owl
Frank S. Andreassen: Bands over Nova (Explored)
joy.jordan: fragments
Gladys Klip: IJsvogel / Kingfisher / Martin-Pêcheur