SVA1969: Guardians of the Wind
GrzegorzSprync: Belfast City Hall. Belfast - Northern Ireland. January 2025
Imagecaptor: Eastern Bluebird
Rourkeor: Ayrshire winter wonderland
calpal2010: Bird Seed Cat Hanging in Tree
calpal2010: White-crowned Sparrow on Rock
Gf220warbler: American Tree Sparrow
jim.choate59: Abandoned Farm Winter 0521 B
Lon_Donner: Anarchy. Anarchy everywhere.
Lon_Donner: Zoo Town Detail
marius bekker: Port of Hamburg - birthplace of the Bismarck battleship Great tit European Robin
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): During a busy night at Loughborough Central Station ex-SR Bulleid West Country Pacific no.34007 "Wadebridge" stands at the platform with a southbound train as another ex-SR loco', Maunsell N15 Class 4-6-0 no.30777 "Sir Lamiel", heads north light engine on
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): As ex-SR Bulleid West Country Pacific no 34007 "Wadebridge" waits to move towards Loughborough the fireman leans out of his cab to see another ex-SR locomotive, Mausell N15 Class 4-6-0 no.30777 "Sir Lamiel", roar past with a southbound passenger train
Janos Zimmermann: Schnäggebuck / Niederhart
Janos Zimmermann: Schnäggebuck / Liebefels
Janos Zimmermann: Schnäggebuck / Hofemerhölzli
arpad_mtl: Kaléidoscope
Ed Rizer: 1nw1 European Robin Goldfinch Female Blackbird
dtfld: Goldeneye (M)
devtmefl: Water Tower. Hoxie, Kansas.
devtmefl: Detail. Sheridan County Courthouse. Hoxie, Kansas.
devtmefl: Welcome to Hoxie sign. Hoxie, Kansas.
Janos Zimmermann: Neubärg / Niederhart
Janos Zimmermann: Neubärg / Bibertal
Janos Zimmermann: Neubärg / Niederhart