odileva: Il aime poser....Rougegorge familier/Erithacus rubecula/European Robin,
odileva: . Il en a plein le bec notre rois de la pelouse.
sileneandrade10: Japacanim - Black-capped Donacobiu
ChicagoBob46: Taking a long stride
anacm.silva: Little Bee-eater
ksblack99: Wood Stork Portrait
sileneandrade10: Pica-pau-de-topete-vermelho
Colin Pacitti: male olive-backed sunbird (cinnyris jugularis) ......... Explored
jlcummins: Hen Wood Duck, Aix sponsa
ChicagoBob46: At the races
Sett N trenZ: C20231029 Bald Eagle
JLS@Photos: Black-fronted Bulbul, Bulbul brunoir
wernerlohmanns: Bergfink am Futterplatz
Phasmomantis: Male Goldeneye Duck - Bucephala clangula
Steve Don: Horizon of the Apocalypse
beluga 7: Pula Arena
Laird JL: Northern Hawk-owl
belas62: Upupa Epops, Τσαλαπετεινός, Common Hoopoe
ChicagoBob46: All aglow
wernerlohmanns: Guillemot
Wales and beyond: Red kite feeding 'on the wing'
Stefano B.54: Cincia dal ciuffo - Lophophanes cristatus "The Crested Tit....in Red"
m.amarocarvalho: Merganso-de-poupa | Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator)
I follow birds: GREEN HERON
Diko G.W.: Kestral
Kindred Souls: Out for a late day snack