E_Rick1502: Northern Pygmy Owl
E_Rick1502: Night night!
E_Rick1502: Great Blue Heron
E_Rick1502: Coyote
E_Rick1502: Rough Legged Hawk
E_Rick1502: Ferruginous Hawk
E_Rick1502: Short Eared Owl
E_Rick1502: Ferruginous Hawk
brian.treitt: _DSC9793-Edit-2
brian.treitt: Standing tall
brian.treitt: Snowy owl
brian.treitt: Great gray owl
brian.treitt: Northern Pygmy Owl
brian.treitt: Bald Eagle lands. Los Angeles ca
brian.treitt: The slate blue of a Peregrine falcon flying by my face at 100+ mph, which is still less than half the speed it’s capable of achieving. This morning in Los Angeles. #falcon #birds #wildlife
brian.treitt: Bobcat
brian.treitt: Great horned owlets
brian.treitt: Stalking
brian.treitt: Western Screech Owl
brian.treitt: Great horned owls
brian.treitt: Great horned owls
brian.treitt: Biplane
brian.treitt: Great grey owl
brian.treitt: Black bear silhouette
brian.treitt: Borrowing owl
brian.treitt: Burrowing owls