aleshurik: People of Yamal..
Jon in Thailand: ,, Monkey Man ,,
Gloria Ayala Barrera: Delicias de verano
Gloria Ayala Barrera: ¡Ríete de ti misma!
Yaco1959: Nit de vent
hvhe1: The leap of faith
Yaco1959: De camino al hide
Yaco1959: Malpartit
steelmancat: Tot es mou
olliloo: Vivitar Series I 90/2.5
Yaco1959: Riu amunt
steelmancat: Adou de Arizes,TourmaletFrança
Yaco1959: Al maig cada dia un raig
Yaco1959: Gavinas
Iker Aizkorbe: Argitu bitartean (While clearing)
一方天地: 石牆蝶與黃裙竹笙
perth45: Eileen Donan, Scotland
G.Billon: Longchamp...
elbetobm thanks 22,100,000 views: WHERE IS THE HAIRDRESSER
birdcloud1: cloud power
birdcloud1: in the rush
birdcloud1: twilight in the wings
elbetobm thanks 22,100,000 views: ESTANCIA Y CAPILLA NARBONA
alan shapiro photography: Another day, another prayer sent aloft (EXPLORED 10-6-14)
alan shapiro photography: untitled-2.jpg
Sandra Bartocha: symmetry
Sandra Bartocha: the incredible colours of the baltic sea ...