wilimho556: DSC_9213 十一維港煙花2018
wilimho556: DSC_9192
Graham S Paton: Marie Elisabeth Lüders Building as part of the parliament buildings.Berlin
686阿鴻: 踩在夕陽下
686阿鴻: 海岸秋色
686阿鴻: 沙崙之秋
686阿鴻: 真情海岸
686阿鴻: 我問彩雲
686阿鴻: 淡水黃昏時
686阿鴻: 我愛夕陽紅
686阿鴻: 月伴霞光
eyeofthebeholder5: Wonderland
John Finney: Hikers on the Storm
Dumby: Waterfall
vampire-carmen: Schlafender Löwe - Sleeping Lion
vampire-carmen: Krokodil - Crocodile
hullite1968: DSC_0629
hullite1968: P1110478
hullite1968: P1110479
Photo Alan: Vancouver Sunset
supala: 秋天 fall
eyeofthebeholder5: A new friend. Blond :)
eyeofthebeholder5: A new friend. Blond :)
chgore: IMG_20181014_102936-里嶺大橋眺望斜張橋
chgore: A5003099-新威森林公園桃花心木步道
Bai R.: When you can hear the music of the Fall Forest and start to dance...