DSCN1215 = Goldfinch...a first for my backyard. There were 2 having a good old feed on the old lavender seed heads in the pouring rain.
P1380443 - Put my new bird feeder on the bedroom window as I thought it would be good to lay in bed and watch the birds. They found it quickly but unfortunately so did the ants
DSCN1924 Have noticed quite a few of these birds coming in to the feeding station. From the finch family I'm guessing but not sure which one. But always good to get a new variety.
DSC01207 - Some new birds have discovered my feeding station...this is one of them - Male chaffinch
DSC02724 - This little bird has just woken up after crashing into the lounge doors. It was a very loud bang so must of hit the window hard. Sadly the male died on impact. Probably the same one I posted on 20th Aug.
DSC09291 - Greenfinch (?) in the sunflowers. Maybe he'll tell his mates about all the sunflowers and more will come.
DSC09096 - A very wet zebra finch taken out the lounge door. Here in NZ this is what all animals and humans look like....drenched. We will all have to build ourselves boats to live in if this carries on much longer.
DSCN2099 - Male Chaffinch. Had to take it thru the glass cause if I so much as touch the door handle everything takes of.