DSC04692 - NZ Bellbird. Captain Cook explained it's song as 'like small bells exquisitely tuned'. This one is at Auckland Zoo, and most people are not likely to see one in the wild.
DSC02056 - ID anyone? (and it's not a sparrow) It's beak is longer and sharper and it seemed to prefer to be on the ground and it's chest was whiteish with brown streaks.
DSC_5589 Pulled over at a popular spot for taking photos and got attacked by keas, intent on stripping everything off the roof of our bus. We made a hasty retreat with no photos of the scenery.
P1320162 Finally got a shot of a 'can't sit still for a second' fantail. Now to get one with his tail in a fan.
DSC_6081- I hopped out to take a photo of them and this fellow hopped in. New Zealand weka. They were at a car park so I guess they are used to people and taking food from them.
P1170639 Kingfisher and as always just that little bit too far away and thru the car window.
DSCN0912 NZ Wood pigeon - Kereru. As a was taking the photo I could see him blowing out his chest. In the big pine tree at the bottom of the garden..