jangurney: P1450141 - "I'm a cutie, make sure you get my good side"
jangurney: DSC09962 - Swallow on the clothes line
jangurney: DSC06951 - Taking a quick break in the early morning sun
jangurney: DSC06867 - The swallows were out in force....as were the trout flies
jangurney: DSCN1064 - on my walk around the lake this morning.
jangurney: DSCN1280 - Puffed up swallow sitting on the back fence
jangurney: DSC00927 - Swallow
jangurney: DSC00990 - Swallow having a scratch
jangurney: DSCN1824 - Swallow collecting mud for nest building
jangurney: DSC01761 - Swallow
jangurney: DSCN1984 - Lots of swallows around at the moment
jangurney: DSC00966 - Beautiful swallows in the backyard
jangurney: DSCN2179 - I've got my eyes on you.
jangurney: DSC00431 - One of the many welcome swallows that make their home next to our home.
jangurney: DSC01261 - Swallow with his head on backwards (Straight out of the camera no photo shopping)
jangurney: DSC01501 1. Move yourself that's my post....
jangurney: DSC01503 - 2. Well, it really is my post so you move.
jangurney: DSC03193 - Youngster waiting for someone to feed him.
jangurney: DSC03116 - He was getting very impatient.
jangurney: DSC04139 - Young swallow getting a feed on the wing
jangurney: DSC04152 - "Hey Mum that wasn't enough...I need more"