jangurney: DSC01902
jangurney: DSC01928 - a birds eye view
jangurney: DSCN0010
jangurney: DSCN4813 - A Duck
jangurney: Thanks for viewing my photos, I really appreciate you taking the time, and for the faves and comments you make thank you.
jangurney: DSCF2123 - Female paradise duck
jangurney: DSC05381 Taking a bath...male paradise duck
jangurney: DSCN0687 She was way out at the far end of the lake, could barely make them out...wasn't expecting such a clear shot.
jangurney: DSCN1797 - Reflections at the lake
jangurney: DSCN1777 - "Good morning Mr Pukeko enjoying your breakfast"
jangurney: DSC06961 - Mair Park, Whangarei, NZ
jangurney: DSC06979 - Goosey Goosey Gander...
jangurney: P9220389 - This must be a lonely goose cause there's no one around like him...
jangurney: P1380797 - NZ scaup
jangurney: New Zealand dabchick - Thanks for viewing my photos, I really appreciate you taking the time, and for the faves and comments you make thank you.
jangurney: DSC00027 - Youngster receiving a fish for breakfast with reflections.
jangurney: DSC00030 - Showing concern cause the fish wont go down
jangurney: DSC00024 - NZ Dabchick
jangurney: DSC03035 - Muscovy duck...Bird Gardens Katikati
jangurney: P1220021 - Black swan, Lake Rotorua
jangurney: P1270040 - Finally...I've found a white swan.
jangurney: DSCN0882 - Floating through the early morning reflections. Virginia Lake Reserve, Whanganui.
jangurney: DSC08659 - Turangi end of Lake Taupo
jangurney: DSC08857 - Young coot pulling up weeds. Taupo NZ
jangurney: DSC08785 - This coot doesn't have to go far to get a meal. Taupo NZ
jangurney: DSCN1247 - Swans in Lake Taupo
jangurney: DSCN1190 - Coots in Lake Taupo.
jangurney: DSC06735 - Reflections
jangurney: P1270029
jangurney: DSC_2210 - Bath time