jangurney: DSC07887 - Shaking off the dust after her long drive to her new home. I will enjoy watching these 2 girls get to know each other and hopefully be the best of mates.
jangurney: DSC07867 Grandkids puss Kanga
jangurney: DSC00908 - One of my neighbours
jangurney: DSC01405 - This used to be called the pudding bowl cut (very popular for young boys back in the day)
jangurney: DSCN1826 - Mud...mud and more mud (and more rain for the next 3 days)
jangurney: DSC_6613 - "Heilan coo"
jangurney: DSC_7006
jangurney: P1050050 - This fellow made my day.....proper sitting up and napping in the sun.