Isabel Aguado Rodríguez: Lago de Banyoles. Girona (Catalonia)
Shakespearesmonkey: Monet painting water lilies (almost finished)
Owl Prints: Acis autumnalis
james c. (vancouver bc): Clouds and fog coloured by sunset glow
Philippe Macabiau: Sous Marin
alanpeacock2: Christmas Painting
沐均青: a sunshine morning
Dorde Vranjes: Goldfinch
dw*c: Key West cemetery
ashitaka-f: Encyclia radiata エンシクリア・ラディアタ
philipwhitcombe: Teotihuacan, Mexico City, Mexico
donnieking1811: Early November Color
philipwhitcombe: Teotihuancan, Mexico City, Mexico
Toby Jorgensen: Rudolfinum, Prague
pboolkah: Beach Walk San Juan
antoinebouyer: Œillet de Poète
b_kohnert: L a n d s c a p e
Joaqui García de la Torre: Atravesando el silencio
Ramiro Francisco Campello: Although we see our horizon, sometimes the shortest way is not the most effective.
Dan Denison: Liberty Sqaure - Taipei
Ira Mv: Hiking pass
Gabriel Paladino Ibáñez: Pseudozonaria nigropunctata
VBuben: Figure sketch
littlebiddle: Eastern Washington Black Bears
ArmyJacket: Walking in Memphis
rosedenovembre: Envolée soudaine des oies. What a beautiful chaos!!!