BirdingByEmad: Purple heron
Photography by Matt Latham: Dark Bush-cricket (Pholidoptera griseoaptera)
Mandenno photography: Mountain lion - Parc Animalier de Bouillon
southham: Aprilbiold2024
southham: Blau-Grüne Mosaikjungfer im Flug
southham: Schwalbenschwanz
southham: Sachsenflur7
southham: Azurjungfer
southham: Laubfrosch
southham: Zauneidechse1
southham: Baum21
ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful.: Sunrise from the Summit at Pico da Bandeira (Flag Peak) at 2,892 m (9,488 ft) MSL, Caparaó National Park, on the border between the municipalities of Ibitirama (Espírito Santo State) and Alto Caparaó (Minas Gerais State), Brazil.
ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful.: Hippeastrum hybridum 'Santiago' at home.
ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful.: Hippeastrum hybridum 'Brilliant White Double Alasca' at home.
ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful.: W Trail Day 1: Not Quite What You Think.
ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful.: W Trail Day 1: Las Torres Base Camp at 850 m (2,789 ft) - Torres del Paine National Park, Chile.
ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful.: (view from) El Dokka, Nubian Restaurant, Eissa's Island, Nile River, Aswan, Egypt.
Yvonne Nielsen: Marts-viol (Sweet Violet / Viola odorata)
Gediminas Gražulevičius, Lithuania: Smailiauodegė antis (Anas acuta) Pintail - 0R1A3425
Gediminas Gražulevičius, Lithuania: Šalminė antis (Netta rufina) Red-crested Pochard, Kolbenente - 0R1A3561
flaviobergo: IMG_0152 lythria cruentaria
th_norge: Inkaseeschwalbe
(bbarsalo): Écureuil roux - Tamiasciurus hudsonicus - Red Squirrel
majka44: Spring landscape/Explored
De Hollena: Ardea cinerea
HenryKoh: HKR56441
ROL/Photos: M'a vu
ROL/Photos: la Soif
De Hollena: Grey Heron Portrait