Jörg Krüger: Praktina IIA
小川 Ogawasan: 上賀茂神社 - 賀茂競馬足汰式
LeslieZ: IMG_5365
LeslieZ: Sasha
LeslieZ: IMG_5384
*Leiss: 20230315_L1563_Apo-Telyt-R180_M10P_Kita_Park_Kobe_JP
Tim Ravenscroft: The yellow door
Taiwan's Riccardo: 聖安宮_8
Taiwan's Riccardo: 大安森林公園_3
Tim Ravenscroft: Torii path
Grav2017: 20230321182323_01
Grav2017: 20230321182323_05
Grav2017: 20230321182323_11
Grav2017: 20230321182323_12
Grav2017: 20230321182345_01
*Leiss: 20230130_163440275_motoZ2play_BangPu_Bangkok_TH_BW
里卡豆: 上野公園 Ueno|櫻花季
rockchanky: Cheerful for spring, Southern California
rockchanky: Dawn, Southern California
rockchanky: Ume plum flower, Southern California
rockchanky: Kaffir lily, Southern California
Tim Ravenscroft: Traditional Swedish interior
Christopher.Michel: Christopher Michel
*Leiss: 20230130_L1235_Elmarit-M90E46_M10D_BangPu_Bangkok_TH_BW
simeon62: Basking in the sun
simeon62: Early light in early winter
Adversativo: IMG_2235