Ingrid Stuller: The Swallowtail (Papilio machaon) is a butterfly from the butterfly family (Papilionidae).
Ingrid Stuller: Between meadows and forests “ the wild cyclamen” !
Ingrid Stuller: "Turn your face towards the sun and the shadows will follow behind you." - Maori proverb
Ron.Beton: Hedychrum rutilans
ericnzhou: Leucistic Acorn Woodpeckers
Mark S Searle: Common Blue (M)
peterg111: Banded Damselfly female.
JimDel Photographies: gazé et renouée bistorte
Bob Eade: Green Carpet (Colostygia pectinataria).
Faireal tales from Here: Calopteryx virgo meridionalis ♂, Montgaillard.
Mark S Searle: Chequered Blue (F)
Svitlana Tkach: Scathophaga suilla
ericnzhou: Eared Grebes
PREMZIEBA: early morning somewhere in Poland..
peterschmidt2711: On the window
Tort Man: Green Hairstreak Butterfly, nectaring on Wild Strawberry.
Tort Man: Marbled White Butterfly (female). No cropping.
Tort Man: Chalk Hill Blue Butterfly (male). No cropping.
Tort Man: Chalk Hill Blue Butterfly (male).
Tort Man: Adonis Blue Butterfly (female). 1st brood.
Faireal tales from Here: Leptogaster cylindrica, accouplement (Montgaillard).
Bob Hurrell Wildlife: Marbled White Butterfly underwing, male. little grebe
sladey's photo's: Common Drone Fly
Mark S Searle: Common Blues
Anatoliy Vityuk: Гарпія біла (Cerura erminea)
visualstripes: Sympetrum striolatum - Female
mpmark: Red-necked Grebe family, Ontario
Sinnassamy Michel: Wool carder bee / Abeille cardeuse de laine