Devid VII: Tokio, Kamiosaki district of Shinagawa.
BrickStudios: "Journey to the Center of the Earth"
ranghaal: The pool
th_squirrel: Captain Lightyear and Red Zurg
theoctopirate: Deadshot
Rogue Bantha: Forest bot
BrickStudios: "Day Zero"
K-Brun: Darth Nihilus
th_squirrel: Stranges
Force Movies Productions: US WWII marksman
jklu17legodude: Sunriser
th_squirrel: Doctors Octopus
thebrickfanatic6722: -Dark Times-
Bricksbygus: Miles Morales
Luca s projects: TX-225 GAVw "Occupier" combat assault tank
malengarek: HAVw A5 Juggernaut
malengarek: HAVw A5 Juggernaut
WG Productions: May The 4th Figbarf
Luca s projects: TX-225 GAVw "Occupier" combat assault tank
Fukusakuu: TIE fighter v2
Oscar Cederwall (o0ger): Hover train engine
Oscar Cederwall (o0ger): Hover train engine
Devid VII: All motorbikes with drones in one shot
SHARPSPEED: Mead Aviation Gryffin "Super" Aerodyne
RGB900: lego moc motorcycle
RGB900: back
rwBricks: Wrong Swamp
Fukusakuu: Initial_D_Impreza
RGB900: back
RGB900: lego moc motorcycle with sidecar