K-Brun: Something
K-Brun: 74-Z Speeder Bike
K-Brun: Recent Mods
K-Brun: MP7
K-Brun: VG1-5 Volkssturmgewehr
K-Brun: "The Wastelander"
K-Brun: OTs-14 Groza
K-Brun: "Patrol"
K-Brun: "Patrol" (Alt)
K-Brun: "Global Offensive"
K-Brun: Shadows Of Evil
K-Brun: "Quarry 19"
K-Brun: "Bomb Threat"
K-Brun: "Bomb Threat"
K-Brun: "Phantom, the objective is still a go. Suspects are now SOS."
K-Brun: Darth Nihilus
K-Brun: Single Trooper Aerial Platform (STAP)
K-Brun: Follow me on Instagram if you want. I will still post here I think. Any flickr OGs still here?
K-Brun: Star Wars Figbarf
K-Brun: Thoughts? :)
K-Brun: Yeet
K-Brun: Hurtgen
K-Brun: Soviet T-26
K-Brun: X-Wing Pilot
K-Brun: StuG III Ausf.D
K-Brun: Uplifting
K-Brun: Darkness
K-Brun: Injured
K-Brun: Happy 4th of July!