langdon10: Ice Road
kabilk01: Chrome Hill
kabilk01: Butterfly
robertosivieri: FALL in the FOREST BEECH
maj-lis: Hittade några dahlia blommor på gräsmattan i dag. Tror rådjuret har varit på besök.
Bradley Hamel: A fish fly.
Bradley Hamel: A twelve-spotted skimmer dragonfly
Bradley Hamel: A coral hairstreak butterfly
Bradley Hamel: A gypsy moth.
Bradley Hamel: A locust treehopper
Bradley Hamel: A snapping turtle close up.
Bradley Hamel: Butterfly Red Spotted Purple butterfly on a blazing star plant.
Bradley Hamel: A Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly
Bradley Hamel: An eastern fox snake.
Bradley Hamel: A mommy wolf spider with her family in tow.
Bradley Hamel: Check out the claws on this animal
Bradley Hamel: Heading towards the dinner table.
Bradley Hamel: An Arcigera Flower Moth.
Bradley Hamel: Down to the bone.
Bradley Hamel: A plump jumping spider on a fall leaf.
Bradley Hamel: Just playing around.
Bradley Hamel: A Tolype Velleda moth.
Bradley Hamel: A tiger arge moth.
Bradley Hamel: A big ole plump grumpy looking toad.
Bradley Hamel: A common looper moth giving me the side eye.
Bradley Hamel: A wolf spider with her big family on her back.
Bradley Hamel: A young fox snake on the side of a tree.
Bradley Hamel: A ironweed borer moth.
jonasfj: Meteora, Greece
Mª José M: Hortensia. Del amarillo al malva.