xam-pirineu: Celso Library, Ephesus (Türkiye)
Passqual: DSCN8915 - Césped con figuras
hex1952: P4110251-4
julián_fq67: Oropéndola
Jowe-79: Psittacula Krameri
Kepajaure: Crisantemo-Chysanthemum-01
Rev Paul O'Connor: Teatro Cervantes
José Carlos Cabello: Desde el área recreativa El Bujeo, salida del sol detrás del Peñón de Gibraltar - JosCar-050524-65 (9)
Rev Paul O'Connor: Our Lady of Carmen
Julian Munilla Rio: IMG_9806 Explore! May 13, 2024
edomingo: Paseando por Egipto: Templo de Philae
Santiago GV: Abejaruco europeo / European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
castillerozaldívar: Palacio y puente Vechio, FLORENCIA VII, ITALIA
byb64: Couverts de la Plaça Major, Sagonte, province de Valence, Communauté valencienne, Espagne.
Bruce Allardice: Athens Acropolis Parthenon 442-438 BCE Classical Period Pediment 432 BCE east northern Corner (1)
Bruce Allardice: Athens Acropolis Erechtheion 420-415 BCE Portico north with Poseidon's Trident Mark
Bruce Allardice: Athens Acropolis Erechtheion 420-415 BCE Portico north with Poseidon's Trident Mark (2)
Bruce Allardice: Athens Acropolis Parthenon 442-438 BCE Classical Period Pediment 432 BCE east (2)
Bruce Allardice: Athens Acropolis Parthenon 442-438 BCE Classical Period Pediment 432 BCE west (1)
Bruce Allardice: Athens Acropolis Parthenon 442-438 BCE Classical Period east (2)
Bruce Allardice: Athens Acropolis Plate 580-570 BCE Archaic Period
Bruce Allardice: Athens Acropolis Parthenon 442-438 BCE Classical Period east southern Corner
Bruce Allardice: Athens Acropolis Parthenon 442-438 BCE Classical Period Pediment east
Bruce Allardice: Athens Acropolis Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia Owl of Athens early 5th cent BCE Archaic Period Pentelic Marble (2)
Bruce Allardice: Athens Acropolis Stele Relief of the Pensive Athena c.460 BCE Classical Period Parian Marble
Bruce Allardice: Athens Acropolis Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia Owl of Athens early 5th cent BCE Archaic Period Pentelic Marble (3)
Thomas Mulchi: Athens – Anafiotika
wang1688: Magnolia after the Rain
andrey.salikov: _DSC6918
andrey.salikov: Очень симпатичный городок _DSC6887