Giancarlo Rado: Alpeggio estivo nei Lagorai
nazariko: Моє село
Antoine Grelin: The Andromeda Galaxy
Greg Meyer MD(H): Bode's and Cigar Galaxies
Sergey Chubarov the Same: 091-Y-090725-KodakE100G-003
lack of imagination: Paul Weber – private collection. Sommerliche Flusslandschaft an einem Bauerngehöft (c. 1850-1910s)
vm.ovchinnikov: Nightingale - Соловей
Paul Miguel: Sedge Warbler
vm.ovchinnikov: Коноплянка
serj k.: IMG_2694
Alan McFadyen: 22nd April 2020 Cuckoo
noholy: Поползень
Paul Miguel: Wren singing on flowering Gorse
Matthew.Young: Autumn glow - tufted titmouse
Daniel Trim: European Brown Bear, Finland
Jon Siegel: Evening Candid
Internet Archive Book Images: Image from page 397 of "Handbook of ornament; a grammar of art, industrial and architectural designing in all its branches, for practical as well as theoretical use" (1900)
iwona_podlasinska: kiss (countryside)
iwona_podlasinska: my little eye.... (countryside)
Anton Novoselov: Half moon
lishengo: 27,928
Vinzent M: old Beijing
Giancarlo Rado: intermission