Rafal Szozda: Dymówka, Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) ... 2024r
Hari K Patibanda: A Trumpeter Finch taking flight
Hari K Patibanda: A Long Legged Buzzard in the desert
florczyki: Red / Czerwony
florczyki: Clouds / Chmury
florczyki: Patrol
MDAD1961: Christmas Greetings
marcbenezech: crabier chevelu .
hd.niel: Cold Weather Cardinal
marcbenezech: 2 petits ragondins de la taille d un herisson.
marcbenezech: tourne pierre a collier .
Mark in TX: Scissor-tailed flycatcher
Laval Roy: 1.06107 Chevêchette nimbée / Xenoglaux loweryi / Long-whiskered Owlet / Lechucita Bigotona
ninograngetto@hotmail.com: gavilan-ceniciento_NGR2860
Gary McHale: Osprey
craig goettsch: Sittin' Pretty
sdawesy1: Northern Shoveler ( Spatula clypeata)
ÇhяḯṧtÖρнε: Grimpereau des jardins - Certhia brachydactyla (Domaine Des Oiseaux, Ariège) 15 décembre 2024
stan sutton: Frog IMG_2237
Naturfotografie Simon Edel: Drosseluferläufer / Spotted sandpiper / Actitis macularius
Aves Lux: Barn Owl
Laval Roy: 1.11647 Batara de Chapman (palamblae) / Thamnophilus zarumae palamblae / Chapman's Antshrike (palamblae) / Batará de Chapman (palamblae)
Bay State Paul: Tufted Titmouse
Bay State Paul: Black-capped Chickadee
miro_mtl: Bald eagle (Pygargue à tête blanche)
Hari K Patibanda: A Variable Wheatear Foraging in the desert
Hari K Patibanda: An Egyptian Vulture taking flight in the desert
Laval Roy: 1.14818 Tyran de Baird / Myiodynastes bairdii / Baird's Flycatcher / Mosquero de Baird