Églantine: Trees in Killarney National Park, Ireland
Églantine: Oriental Venice
myriorama: wasp emerges from stink bug egg
myriorama: green treefrog
sam2cents: Horseplay
Églantine: Crossing the St Lawrence River
Églantine: The Pleasures of Walking
Églantine: Stephanie's Dog, Snoopy
Églantine: Only-Butterfly-Around-These-Days
Saomik: St. John's Harbour
sam2cents: Mushrooming
Saomik: The Cliffs of Insanity
Katpix: Farewell to Waterton Park
David Kracht: lonely lamp meet man ...
Katpix: At the end of the rainbow there is a magnificent elk herd
myriorama: nymph, adult oak treehoppers
Saomik: On the Way to Gros Morne Park
sam2cents: Sunflowers and cosmos
Saomik: In Flight
myriorama: cow killer wasp
myriorama: wild passionflower
Saomik: Surfing
Liam Tandy: hundreds and thousands
myriorama: painted turtle laying eggs
Églantine: my journal cover
Marla_lu: Istanbul cats - The carpet seller
Marla_lu: Istanbul cats - The guardian
Marla_lu: Istanbul cats - Waiting for the tram
David Kracht: lights ...