antino.c: Me & you forever 💕
Collins93: HCR36241-Edit-Edit
Stan Parrott: Sparrowhawk (m)
Rafal Szozda: Sójka, Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius) ... 2023r
Stan Parrott: Kingfisher (f)
Luca Avanzini: Sparrowhawk
Craig 2112: Badger
qazplm098: Common Darter, Newington, Kent
Stan Parrott: Greenfinches
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Marsh Harrier (URN: 2058)
farms 62: Adder
Eric Lu Photography: Barn Owl (R51_8565)
Lance BB: In for the kill
Stan Parrott: Sparrowhawk (m)
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Hawk Owl (URN: 1769)
Ron Buening: Uber Eats, Skimmer Style
Luca Avanzini: Sparrowhawk ♂ - in the wood
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Chouette hulotte - Tawny owl - Strix aluco
icascidos: Renard Roux
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Peregrine Falcon (URN: 2147)
Charlaine Jean: Bonne bouille
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Ibis falcinelle - Plegadis falcinellus
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Swift (URN: 2128)
Stan Parrott: Redstart (m)
Stan Parrott: Redstart (m)
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Steppe Buzzard (URN:1993)
Stan Parrott: Great-crested-Grebes