Rob Melone: American Coot and Redheads
Bob Sablo: Glossy Ibis
MarjieM777: juvenile ruby-throated hummingbird
Rob Pitt: In The Landscape
OmiPNW: Colombia River Gorge it at different level.
Pere Mallada: Flor 1661
Gavin Edmondstone: Bronte Harbour in Winter
andygaffey: Snow blows off the peak of Mont Blanc at sun rise.
Pere Mallada: Agapanthus
mstoecklin: Pokhara forest reserve
JLS@Photos: Red Crossbill (male), Bec-croisé des sapins
Cog2012: DSC09317-Enhanced-NR
Jorge Chinchilla A.: White-crowned Manakin (Pseudopipra pipra)
Jorge Chinchilla A.: Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium brasilianum)
jasonmoore151: Little Egret
Luca Avanzini: juvenile goshawk
jose@rbelaez: Tangara gyrola
Steve Brynes: American White Pelican
imarmer: Carolina-wren
Laird JL: Great Grey Owl
Laird JL: Snowy Owl
Greatest Paka Photography: Wildlife at Baylands California
vdrobphoto: Wood Stork-"Mycteria americana"
jasonmoore151: Defassa Waterbuck - Masai Mara
jasonmoore151: Spotted Hyena - Masai Mara
Mobile Lynn: Rufous-browed Conebill - If looks could kill 720_6916.jpg
Steve Arena: Neotropic Cormorant (P. brasilianus)
lisacolemanphotography: It the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! I love The Fall and it is especially fun entertainment to go out in the forest and find these beautiful shrooms to photograph.. never eat em!